Buying a home is a major financial transaction that can be both exciting and stressful. You’ll have research and budgeting to do, questions to ask – and have answered – boxes to tick and key decisions to make. You want to make sure you’re aware of and carefully consider everything from the small details to the big picture. This includes not only your costs and obligations, but also the various types of assistance that the ACT Government offers home buyers in the ACT.
Follow these links for more information on some of the factors impacting your important purchase.
Conveyance duty
Home buyers in the ACT pay conveyance duty when purchasing property.
Home buyer concession scheme (including First Home Owner Grant)
This initiative helps people buying a home by charging nil or reduced duty. Details for the previous First Home Owner Grant are also available.
Land rent scheme
Home owners in the ACT pay rates to fund a range of services for the ACT community.
Deferred duty
Under certain circumstances, you can defer the payment of duty on your property.
Disability duty concession scheme
This scheme exempts you from paying duty if you have a long‑term or permanent disability.
Special disability trust duty exemption
Special disability trusts are exempt from duty when a beneficiary lives in the property.
Loose-fill asbestos buyback concession scheme
Asbestos-affected home owners may be entitled to a duty concession when buying a new home.
Eligible impacted properties: Loose-fill asbestos buyback concession scheme
The ACT Government offers to buy properties to use while demolishing asbestos-affected properties.
Home owners in the ACT pay rates to fund a range of services for the ACT community.
Land tax
Generally, if you own a residential rental property, you pay land tax on it.