Off the Plan unit duty exemption
The ACT Government is offering duty concessions in the ACT for some home buyers planning to live in their new properties. Note these are separate from the owner occupier base rate for duty.
Off the plan units – from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025
For contracts exchanged on or after 1 July 2024, there is no duty on off the-plan units (for example, unit-titled apartments and townhouses) owner occupier purchases valued at $1,000,000 or less.
Eligibility requirements include:
- contracts must be signed and exchanged on or after 1 July 2024 to on or before 30 June 2025;
- at least one buyer must live in the home continuously for at least one year, starting within 12 months of the date of completion (settlement date) of the off the plan agreement; and
- off the plan ‘units’ refers only to unit-titled properties, such as apartments or townhouses.
Off the plan units – from 27 November 2023 to 30 June 2024
For contracts exchanged on or after 27 November 2023 to on or before 30 June 2024, there is no duty on off the-plan units (for example, unit-titled apartments and townhouses) owner occupier purchases valued at $800,000 or less.
Eligibility requirements include:
- contracts must be signed and exchanged on or after 27 November 2023 to on or before 30 June 2024;
- at least one buyer must live in the home continuously for at least one year, starting within 12 months of the date of completion (settlement date) of the off the plan agreement; and
- off the plan ‘units’ refers only to unit-titled properties, such as apartments or townhouses.
Off the plan units - from 1 July 2023 to 26 November 2023
For contracts exchanged on or after 1 July 2023 to on or before 26 November 2023, there is no duty on off-the-plan units (for example, unit-titled apartment and townhouses) owner occupier purchases valued at $700,000 or less.
Eligibility requirements include:
- contracts must be signed and exchanged on or after 1 July 2023 to on or before 26 November 2023;
- at least one buyer must live in the home continuously for at least one year, starting within 12 months of the date of completion (settlement date) of the off the plan agreement; and
- off the plan ‘units’ refers only to unit-titled properties, such as apartments or townhouses.
Off the plan units - from 1 April 2022 to 30 June 2023
For contracts exchanged on or after 1 April 2022 to on or before 30 June 2023, there is no duty on off-the-plan units (for example, unit-titled apartment and townhouses) owner occupier purchases valued at $600,000 or less.
Eligibility requirements include:
- contracts must be signed and exchanged on or after 1 April 2022;
- at least one buyer must live in the home continuously for at least one year, starting within 12 months of the date of completion (settlement date) of the off the plan agreement; and
- off the plan ‘units’ refers only to unit-titled properties, such as apartments or townhouses.
Off the plan units - from 1 July 2021 to 31 March 2022
For contracts exchanged on or after 1 July 2021 to on or before 31 March 2022, there is no duty on off-the-plan units (for example, unit-titled apartment and townhouses) owner occupier purchases valued at $500,000 or less.
Eligibility requirements include:
- contracts must be signed and exchanged on or after 1 July 2021;
- at least one buyer must live in the home continuously for at least one year, starting within 12 months of the date of completion (settlement date) of the off the plan agreement; and
- off the plan ‘units’ refers only to unit-titled properties, such as apartments or townhouses.
Vacant land and off the plan units - 4 June 2020 to 30 June 2021
The following exemptions applied to contracts exchanged between 4 June 2020 and 30 June 2021:
- No duty on single residential dwelling (vacant) blocks.
- No duty on off-the-plan units (for example, unit-titled apartment and townhouses) owner occupier purchases up to $500,000.
- An $11,400 duty reduction for off-the-plan units (for example, unit-titled apartment and townhouses) purchases between $500,000 and $750,000.
Eligibility requirements include:
- contracts must be signed and exchanged from 4 June 2020 to 30 June 2021;
- at least one buyer must live in the home continuously for at least one year, starting within 12 months of settlement or completion of construction;
- the exemptions relating to off the plan ‘units’ refer only to unit-titled apartments or townhouses; and
- the exemption relating to ‘single residential dwelling blocks’ mean the land must be vacant when you purchase it, and the land title must only allow one residence/house to be built on the land.
Eligible new homeowners will be identified as part of the settlement process.
Reference Material
Further information on the owner occupier duty exemption can be located using the information below:
- Taxation Administration (Owner Occupier Duty) COVID-19 Exemption Scheme Determination 2020 (DI2020-205)
- Taxation Administration (Off the Plan Unit Duty Concession Scheme) Determination 2021 (DI2021-173)
- Taxation Administration (Off the Plan Unit Duty Exemption Scheme) Determination 2022 (DI2022-31)
- Taxation Administration (Off the Plan Unit Duty Exemption Scheme) Determination 2023 (DI2023-164)
- Taxation Administration (Off the Plan Unit Duty Exemption Scheme) Determination 2023 (No 2) (DI2023-275)
- Taxation Administration (Off the Plan Unit Duty Exemption Scheme) Determination 2024 (DI2024-178)
The questionnaire is intended to use by you as a guide only, to help you better understand whether you may be eligible for any ACT Government home buyer assistance schemes.
If the eligibility assessment result states that you may be eligible, this is indicative only and should not be relied on as confirmation of eligibility or approval.
Users should use their own skill and judgement in using the eligibility assessment tool and carefully evaluate the accuracy, currency, completeness and relevant of the information it provides.
All concessions and exemption applications at the ACT Revenue Office are self‑assessed. You are obligated to ensure that all the eligibility criteria have been met (or will be met) before applying for any concession or exemption code in the Buyer Verification Declaration.
You should undertake your own inquiries into the eligibility requirements. This may include obtaining information from this website, legislation, or independent professional advice.
To determine your eligibility and apply for these exemptions, complete the online questionnaire.
How to claim?
If you're eligible, to claim the off the plan unit duty exemptions you will need to reference the concession code number shown on your completed questionnaire (405) on the Buyer Verification Declaration before you register the title transfer with Access Canberra. You do not need to give us any other documents at this time.
If you do not claim the off the plan unit duty exemption code number on the Buyer Verification Declaration before you register your transfer, you can submit a late claim using the Application for concession, exemption or correction of duty after registration of title form. When we receive your claim, we will issue you a notice of reassessment with the concession applied.
What happens next?
We'll issue you a Notice of Assessment for duty with the exemption applied. You do not have to take any further action, unless your circumstances change, in which case you will need to notify our office.
After you’ve received your assessment, we may contact you to verify your eligibility for the exemption. For example, we may require you to give us copies of any documents that support your eligibility, or we may ask you to prove your residency at the home. You need to keep copies of your supporting documents for at least five years after the transaction date.
We review claims and conduct investigations into the owner occupier exemption on an ongoing basis.