Energy Bill Relief Fund
The Australian Government has announced that all Australian households will receive up to $300 and eligible small businesses up to $325 to help with the cost of their energy bills in the financial year 2024-25.
In most cases, your electricity provider will automatically apply the bill relief to your electricity account every quarter on or after the census dates.
- The rebate will be applied on an account-basis (i.e. one rebate per customer account). Electricity customer accounts with multiple meters (i.e. multiple addresses connected under the same name) are eligible to receive the rebate once.
- For eligible households in an embedded network where you receive your electricity from your strata or landlord in a caravan park, apartment building or retirement home or village, you will need to complete the application form below. This will be a once-off payment of $300.
- Small businesses in embedded networks must have a relationship with a retailer to be eligible for the rebate (i.e. separately billed or invoiced by an ACT retailer who can apply the relief if the eligibility requirements are met). This will be a one-off payment of $325.
Household and small business eligibility will be determined for each payment on the following census dates:
- Quarter 1 – 31 July 2024
- Quarter 2 – 1 October 2024
- Quarter 3 – 1 January 2025
- Quarter 4 – 1 April 2025
For more information on the Energy Bill Relief Fund, please visit
The application form is available here or by contacting the ACT Revenue Office on the details below.
ACT Revenue Office
PH: (02) 6207 0028 - Select Option 5